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Equipment Glossary
Glossary of Equipment Advanced Braking System An Advanced Braking System allows your unit to stop at shorter distances than with conventional brakes. Ammo Bins All weapons that require ammunition must have an Ammo Bin. Each weapon requires its own Ammo Bin, however, multiple weapons that are the same caliber can share an ammo bin. Also, a weapon may have more than one Ammo Bin. If you are using different ammunition types, each Ammo Bin may only hold one type of ammunition at a time. Amphibious Bulkheads Amphibious Bulkheads are designed to allow the unit to float across water. Arms Walker Units usually have arms equipped with weapons, as opposed to the turrets normally found on tanks. Autoloaders Autoloaders are automated loading devices for units the do not have self-loading weapons or a Loading Crew. Autoloaders can load from multiple bins for the same weapon. Auxiliary Power Unit Some units have Auxiliary Power Units to supply additional Kreigs. These are secondary engines used solely to produce power, and have no effect on movement. An APU can be any engine type. Batteries Units that cannot afford the extra weight of an APU use Batteries. Batteries are also used for units that just need a bit of extra power for weapons or defenses. Batteries can be charged by as many Kriegs as you have available at the end of your turn, up to the maximum of the battery. They may also be completely drained in one shot, if needed. BioChem Storage Drum This is a storage drum used to hold Chemical or Biological agents in liquid form for the Chemical Compression Rifle. Cargo Cargo space is a place to store things on a unit. The amount of weight set aside for cargo space is the amount of cargo a unit can carry. This cargo cannot be deployed during a battlefield game. Cargo, Rapid Deployable Deployable Cargo is the same as Cargo, except it can be deployed on the field. This would include infantry, mines, small vehicles, or anything else you would want to deploy. While mines and vehicles may deploy from a moving unit, infantry can only deploy from a unit that begins and ends its turn at a complete stop. Coaxial Mounting of Guns Any Ballistic or Small Arms weapon capable of Spreadfire may be mounted as a Coaxial weapon to a larger Ballistic weapon. This is typically encountered on tanks, where a machine gun is coaxially mounted with a Cannon. This allows a tank to walk the machine-gun fire onto the target and then fire the main gun, increasing accuracy. This has largely been made obsolete by the new advanced targeting computers, but many units mount it as a backup. In game turns, if you use a coaxially mounted weapon to aim, you get to use dice one level higher than normal. Ammo is used as normal, but the aiming weapon does no damage. Note that this has no effect on units who are using 2d10 to make hit rolls. Engine, Flywheel This is an electric engine powered by a large flywheel. A flywheel must be recharged by special equipment. A fully charged flywheel engine will power a unit for about 12 hours. Engine, Fuel Cell This is an electric engine powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. One fuel cell will power the unit for about 10 hours. Engine, Fusion This is a small fusion reactor. Average lifespan of these reactors is about 5 years. Engine, ICE This is a normal Internal Combustion Engine. Unit range is determined by the amount of fuel carried. Engine, Turbine, Low Altitude This is a turbine engine used most often in land units. Unit range is determined by the amount of fuel carried. Engine, Turbine, Medium Altitude This is a turbine engine used most often in air units. Unit range is determined by the amount of fuel carried. Engine, Turbo Prop This is an ICE engine specially designed for propeller driven aircraft. Unit range is determined by the amount of fuel carried. Ejector Seat These are pretty obvious. In order to safely eject roll 2d10 + piloting skill and get higher than or equal to the speed of the unit minus the altitude of the unit. Ejector Seat Improvement This gives the pilot a better chance of surviving ejection. Enhanced Gun Elevation Enhanced Gun Elevation is for units that do not want a turret, but need to be able to elevate the gun for high angle shots. This is mainly used for artillery pieces. In order to change the field of fire, the unit must physically turn. (Note that a tank that does not have a Turret or Enhanced Gun Elevation cannot use Indirect Fire.) ERA Plate Explosive Reactive Armor Plate. This is a plate of armor designed to explode outward when hit, helping to direct the blast away from the unit. If the unit takes shock damage from a hex facing protected by an ERA Plate that results in Overshock, the ERA activates and doubles the Shock Threshold for that hit. An ERA Plate cannot be replaced during a battlefield game, and thus is considered a one-use item. If multiple plates are installed in one hex facing, only one will activate in a turn. Extended Life Support This allows the unit to operate indefinitely without opening up to the outside air, food water or waste. The length of time the unit can go is determined by the amount of supplies on board. External Halon System This allows the unit to extinguish any fires that may have been started on the unit. The halon system is an oxygen replacer. As such it can be used as a level 1 chemical attack against the hex the unit occupies. The External Halon System cannot be replaced during a battlefield game, and thus is considered a one-use item. Field EMT Kit This is an enhanced field emergency kit containing, among other things, a defibrillator. Fighting Station A Fighting Station is an exposed area that allows infantry to ride and fight from a unit. You must designate a hex facing for the Fighting Station. While the infantry can fire in any direction, any hit the unit takes from the designated hex facing automatically kills the infantry. Infantry may deploy from a Fighting Station if the unit has come to a complete stop, as per Rapid Deployable Cargo. Fuel Tank A Fuel Tank is used to store fuel to power ICE and Turbine engines. A Unit may mount up to two fuel tanks per engine. Fuel tanks used to supply APUs must be separate from tanks used to supply the engine. Hands Hands allow Walkers to climb steep grades, as well as carrying things and making punch attacks. Hands are needed to mount clubbing weapons. Hardpoints A hardpoint is a standardized mount to allow a unit to carry a variety of weapons and equipment. All Hardpoints and any weapons that mount to them are rated in Slots. You must have enough Slots on the hardpoint to mount the equipment. (I.e., a 9 Slot hardpoint cannot mount two 5 Slot items.) Notes: A unit using stealth must use internal hardpoints for the stealth to work. (This does not count for ECM Pods.) H.E.E.S. Hostile Environment Ejection System: This system ejects the entire cockpit intact. This keeps the pilot and crew safe when ejecting underwater or in the midst of an area saturated by chemical or biological weapons. These get a +10 bonus to eject, and cannot be improved. Laser Patriot System The Laser Patriot System is much like a PAMS, however it allows the unit to shoot down any missiles within line of sight, regardless of the missile's target. Every 3 Kriegs pumped in allows 1 attempt to shoot down 1 missile on a 1d10 roll against the Missile's Defense Value. This is an automated system, and will engage all enemy missiles in its firing arc, beginning with the closest and working its way out. Loading Crew Some weapons are not self-loading, and cannot use an autoloader. These weapons require a Loading Crew. The maximum weight of 1 round of ammunition a one man Loading Crew can handle is .1 tons. For each tenth of a ton (round up) an extra crewmember is required. Each additional crewmember makes the reloading take an additional turn. Lysol Wash This is a canister that dispenses a wash of Lysol over the unit. This cleans off any biotoxins or chemicals the unit may have been exposed to, allowing the crew to exit the NBC protection safely. MARk PDS Missile and Rocket Personal Defense System: This is a small canister that operates much like a large shotgun shell. The shrapnel is fired against missiles and rockets in an attempt to destroy them before they hit the unit. They can also be used as a 1 hex range Small Arms weapon, doing 1d6 damage. When used against missiles and rockets, the MARk Pod takes 1d6 -1 dice away from the attack. This device can only be used to stop attacks against the unit it is mounted on. A MARk PDS cannot be replaced during a battlefield game, and thus is considered a one-use item. When removing dice, take them away in this order: Penetration, Damage, Shock. MARk Pod The MARk Pod is a MARk PDS with it's own activated turret (+90/-15). This device is automated, and will turn to engage the first incoming threat. This device can only be used to stop attacks against the unit it is mounted on. A MARk Pod cannot be replaced during a battlefield game, and thus is considered a one-use item. When removing dice, take them away in this order: Penetration, Damage, Shock. PAMS Personal Anti-Missile System: This is a laser based anti-missile system, much like the Phalanx units found on naval vessels. For every 2 Kriegs pumped into the PAMS, you get 1 attempt to shoot down a missile, or reduce rocket damage. To determine effectiveness, roll 1d10 against the defense value of the missile or rocket. A successful hit against a missile destroys it. A successful hit against a rocket removes one die from the attack. This device can only be used to stop attacks against the unit it is mounted on. A PAMS can only cover one hex-side firing arc. They can however be mounted on a turret, allowing the crew to determine the hex facing covered. When removing dice, take them away in this order: Penetration, Damage, Shock PAMS Pod The PAMS Pod is a PAMS with it's own activated turret (+90/-15). This device is automated, and will turn to engage the first incoming threat. Once its firing arc has been set by the first threat, it cannot change facing for the rest of the turn. The PAMS Pod has an internal power supply giving it one free shot per turn. Additional Kriegs can be pumped in as usual. This device can only be used to stop attacks against the unit it is mounted on. When removing dice, take them away in this order: Penetration, Damage, Shock Pintle Mounts A Pintle Mount is a mount for small weapons. It is lighter than a turret, but it cannot be turned during the reaction phase. Also, any weapons on a pintle mount can only be used by a gunner who is accessing them as if from a Crew Fighting Station. Railgun Precharger A Railgun Precharger is a large capacitor designed to keep the railgun primed and ready to fire, allowing the railgun to fire instantly with no charge time. What this means in game terms is that the railgun can target the Energy defense numbers instead of the Ballistic defense numbers. The Precharger requires you to spend 1/3 (rounded up) of the Kriegs needed to fire the railgun every round to keep the Precharger primed. If you fail to pay this amount, the Precharger shuts down and can no longer be used during the game. This charge is in addition to the Kriegs needed to fire the weapon. Note that is the Precharger shuts down, the railgun can still fire, but it will do so against the Ballistic Defense Value. Raised Inner Wheels This allows a unit to gain the benefits of multi-wheeled operation on the battlefield, and at the same time, the unit can get the 4 wheel paved road bonus by raising the inner wheels during transit. It takes one full turn to raise or lower the extra wheels. Ram Plate A Ram Plate is a large bulldozer style plate attached to the front of the unit. Also, the frame is hardened to withstand severe impacts. A unit equipped with a Ram Plate doubles the amount of damage, shock, and penetration done from a ram. Also, they only take the damage they did *.1 from the ram. Reticule Dome A Reticule Dome is a special dome that contains an array of mirrors, crystals and laser channelers. This can be used to replace the main housing of the laser, reducing the laser's weight by 50%. The main drawback to this is that lasers equipped with a Reticule Dome can no longer fire if the Reticule Dome has been destroyed. You can pay the full tonnage for the laser and still use the Reticule Dome, and if the Dome is destroyed you can still use the laser normally. The advantage of the Reticule Dome, besides a possible weight reduction, is that the laser mounted to it has an effective 360 arc of fire (+90 / -10). Also, there is no need to declare a hex facing or make a Reaction Phase adjustment, as the Reticule Dome allows the laser to fire any direction in an instant. Another drawback to a Reticule Dome is that if you roll a natural 2 on the To-Hit Roll, the Reticule Dome is destroyed. Satellite Uplink: Receiver Allows direct connection between firing and spotting unit, cannot be blocked. Spotting unit must have Transmitter, and Firing unit must have Receiver. Satellite Uplink: Transmitter Allows direct connection between firing and spotting unit, cannot be blocked. Spotting unit must have Transmitter, and Firing unit must have Receiver. Sensor Array The "be all, end all" of combat sensors. This one device functions as a range finder, optical scope, night vision and infrared detector, as well as an active short-range radar unit. Note that if you lose all your Sensor Arrays, you drop one dice level on all Gunnery rolls. Any Gunner who loses his Sensor Arrays can no longer be a Spotter on any Fire Team. Shields Shields are plates of armor that can be mounted on an arm or turret, allowing them to be moved to cover an area as needed. Once the armor on a shield is depleted, it no longer provides any form of protection. Smith Tubes Smith Tubes are special devices on a unit that can be used to hook up to another unit also equipped with Smith Tubes. While the two units are hooked together, their Krieg capacity is combined and can be used by either unit. Battery Kriegs can even be dumped into each other. It takes one full turn to hook together and one full turn to unhook. Both units must be at a full stop for the duration of the hookup. Somaflange You either know or you don't. I could tell you, but then they'd kill us both. Spotlight This is a spotlight especially hardened to withstand some of the rigors of combat. These can be white-light, infrared, ultraviolet, or pretty much anything you want. Stealth (Audio) Audio baffling uses special electronics to transmit an inverse wave that cancels out the sound signature produced by the unit. Stealth (Radar / IR) Stealth makes the unit harder to detect. Radar / IR baffling makes the unit harder to detect via radar by using angular construction designed to reflect the radar waves away from the source, as well as special paints and materials to absorb radar waves. The exhaust ports are cooled and concealed making the unit's IR signature lower also. Stealth (Visual) Visual stealth is achieved using photoreceptors, fiber optics, liquid Crystal and plasma displays to render the unit almost invisible by bending light from one side of the unit to the other. Targeting Computer Targeting Computers do most of the work when trying to shoot an enemy unit. The gunner selects a target, and the computer uses the sensor array to determine the target's speed, range, and direction of travel. Using this data, the computer locks onto the target and keeps the fire system pointed in the right direction. Note that if you lose your Targeting Computer, you drop one dice level on all Gunnery rolls. Any Gunner who loses his Targeting Computer can no longer be a part of any Fire Team. Every Gunner that wishes to use a Fire System must have his own Targeting Computer. Titanium Bathtub This is a device used to protect the pilot of a craft from shrapnel and direct fire. For every 0.35 tons, the pilot gets an extra level of protection. A 3.5-ton Titanium Bathtub would give the Pilot 10 hits. Turrets, Full Full Turrets can move in a 360-degree arc. A turret's weight depends on its possible elevation and the weight of the weapons mounted on it. Turrets, Half Half turrets are exactly like Full Turrets, except they only have a 180-degree firing arc. Turrets, High Speed These Turrets may make additional hex side facing changes during the Reaction Phase. These can make 2 or even 3 hex facing changes, as indicated on the Record Sheet. Unit Sealing Unit Sealing allows a unit to travel underwater. It also allows for operation in hostile environments such as sandstorms, etc. that would normally halt other units. Sealing can only be done to a unit if it is using a flywheel, fuel cell, or fusion engine. Unit Sealing (ICE) Units using internal combustion engines can be sealed as above. Since the ICE engine needs air to operate, you must pay an additional 1% of the Unit Weight for each hour of sealed operation, including the first. |